Prime Factors

Emergency License Generator

 The Prime Factors Emergency License Generator is available for customers to create a temporary license in an emergency situation, such as if you are moving Prime Factors applications to a new computer. You may only generate an emergency license once every 30 days and you cannot use the Emergency License Generator to extend an expired production license. 
 Your emergency license will be valid for 7 days from the date it is generated. During that period Prime Factors will try to contact you to provide a new production license; however, it is ultimately your responsibility to obtain a new production license. 
 To begin, you will need your current production license information, which you can obtain from the license screen in your Prime Factors application. 
  1. Open the License screen in your Prime Factors application and export the license.
  2. Copy the resulting License Data Block and paste it into the box below, then click Next.
 If you do not have an electronic copy of your License Data Block, you may enter the fields manually using the button below.